How to Beat Dental Fear: 5 Useful Tips

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Dental anxiety is the negative feeling of panic, nervousness, or uneasiness mainly associated with dentists, dental clinics, and procedures. Most people indeed have some degree of dental anxiety, but when the case is severe and causes irrational fear, preventing individuals from going to the dentist altogether, it’s referred to as dentophobia (severe dental anxiety).

This condition can manifest in sweating, racing heartbeat, low blood pressure, and, in some dire cases, fainting. More often than not, past traumas such as a failure or a super painful experience at the dentist’s are the main cause of dental anxiety. Additionally, fear of losing control, trust issues, and general anxiety can all lead to formulating this condition.

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How Does Dental Anxiety Reflect on Oral Health?

There’s an inverse relationship between dental anxiety and oral health. Individuals who deal with this condition are extremely reluctant to go to the dentist for any type of dental care, even for treatments that are routine or aren’t considered invasive.

As a result, oral health issues such as cavities, gum disease, or plaque buildup are much more likely to develop and rapidly get worse. Furthermore, avoiding dentists and dental care will certainly deepen the underlying problem of dental anxiety, which could lead to developing grinding, jaw clenching, and other anxiety-related oral habits that can damage the teeth and gums.

It isn’t talked about enough, but most dental issues are lifestyle-related and fairly preventable with proper care. By constantly avoiding the dentist and further feeding this anxiety, individuals are exposing themselves to unnecessary pain and the need for more complex treatments than usual once they finally go to a clinic.

So, how common is dental anxiety? Well, the answer is very.

How can you deal with dental anxiety? Stay tuned.

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How to Overcome Dental Anxiety?

Before taking any steps towards combating this condition, you must acknowledge that it exists and that you have to take action against it. With patience, persistence, and implementing our simple instructions, you will eventually overcome your fears and bring your teeth back the care they deserve.

1.  Find the Right Dentist for You

Dentists experienced in treating anxious patients possess certain techniques and knowledge that allow them to treat you appropriately and make you feel at ease. Although this choice of dentist is preferable, it isn’t requisite. It’s much more important to choose a dentist whom you feel comfortable with and who can gradually soothe your anxiety until it someday vanishes.

Typically, the right dentist should display a positive, friendly attitude during patient visits and treatments. Patient reviews will aid you in assessing the dentist’s conduct and let you know what you’re in for. Additionally, a comfortable, relaxing office atmosphere is a welcome plus that further aids in easing the process. Ultimately, it boils down to how you feel when treated by this dentist. If the chemistry is right, you’ll instantly feel it.

2.  Bring Backup

They say there is safety in numbers, which can be true when attending a dentist appointment. Bringing a friend or a family member whom you trust and who is prepared to support you will reduce the stress included in the process. Whether it’s receiving a confidence-boosting pep talk or the comfort that comes from knowing someone is waiting for you, your feeling of calm and safety will increase, leading to a smoother experience at the dentist’s.

3.  Address the Elephant in the Room

Not literally, we hope. Don’t hold back from talking about it and bottle up your emotions, instead let your dentist know exactly how you’re feeling, your concerns, and the things that could bring you discomfort. Open communication is vital to come up with solutions and techniques tailored to ease your anxiety. Additionally, it will deepen the roots of trust between you and your dentist.

4.  The Early Bird Gets the Worm

What if we told you that arriving early to your dentist appointment helps in reducing dental anxiety? For starters, being somewhat late and having to rush to your appointment induces more unwanted stress, and you’re better off without it.

Arrive a few minutes early, especially if it’s your first time visiting this dentist, then try to use this free time to enjoy a rest in the lobby, chat with the front desk staff, ask some questions, or simply relax.

5.  Stay the Path

If you’re trying to fight back your dental anxiety, congratulations on taking the initiative to improve your situation. Just remember to take it easy on yourself; overcoming fears is not an easy task, It takes time, courage, and consistency. Therefore, it’s important to manage your expectations and not put too much pressure on yourself as you move towards achieving a stress-free dentist appointment.

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