No doubt, we all love our dogs the most and want them to have the best company and unconditional love. For this purpose, the need to become a responsible owner is crucial to keep the furry friend healthy.
But as the breeds differ, their needs also differ. Just like you cannot treat all your children the same, you need to understand that your pet can expect different care. Wondering how you can keep your pet healthy and happy? If yes, here is a guide that you can consider:
Offer Appropriate Playtime
Maintaining a positive relationship with your dog is the key to happiness. Praise your dog more verbally and physically while playing around.
A good exercise and playtime is crucial for your dog’s health. Ensure that you give your dog enough time to play and exercise. If you ignore playing around with your dog or not buying a toy, your furry friends will feel bored and gain more weight.
Train Your Dog
Some pet owners think that offering basic training to their dogs is enough. As the dog learns the basic commands, it is good to go to live a happy and healthy life.
However, it is crucial for your dog to have continuous training to boost brain activities. By positively reinforcing your dog, you can let the dog learn new behaviors and be more organized indoors.
If you are overwhelmed with training your dog, you can consider looking for the best and most reputed experts to get dog training.
Give Your Dog Some Choices
Just like we humans love to have choices in life to bring fun and excitement, dogs like the same. Offering some choices to play with toys or having free time outside to eat by choice or take a nap around the day will give them freedom of joy.
Let your little friends make some choices and be surprised around the day. But ensure you are only letting your dog choose safe actions to prevent any injury.
Provide Plenty of Chew Toys
No lie, dogs love to chew and often destroy most of their toys. It is one of the ways to have a quality and fun time. This way, dogs express their natural instincts.
So, look for the best chewable and durable toys for your dog. Get some extra in different designs and colors to bring a choice for them. While you are buying chewable toys or balls holding their food, ensure that it is safe for their oral health and dental bones.
Balance Routine and New Experiences
Unlike any other pet, dogs are creatures of habit. They demand more security, reliability, and structure in their lives. If you let your dog stick to the routine and define the time for play, eating, and outing, it will help keep your dog happier and healthier.
You can also be creative to look for other tricks and treats to let your furry friend explore more options for play or to have fun.